Directors Dialog
The global corporate shakeup after the financial- and credit crisis, globalization, data transformation and digitisation requirement and finally the Corona crisis has impaired the functioning of the interrelated systems of Global Good Governance, Risk Management, Compliance, and IT Security components. These rapid global changes require a new approach from the Board of Directors and senior management.
Copenhagen Compliance® has since its inception in 2005, established a reputation for its global thought leadership with regards to the ethics, integrity, accountability, and transparency issues of GTC and IT security. We have also led the international advisory scene in producing multiple roadmaps and frameworks to deal with GRC, IT Security, Bribery, Fraud, Corruption and Corporate Social Responsibility or ESG codes.
Copenhagen Compliance® Group has delivered global seminars, conferences, workshops, and consultancy assignments all over the world. We were amongst the first to combine the united efforts of GRC to ensure accountability, avoid duplication of efforts and raise corporate performance. Later we founded EuroSox® framework for internal controls and since 2016 focused on Data Privacy, Data Protection and Cybersecurity issues. Each time we set the GRC tone to our multiple stakeholders, partners, clients, participants within their trade.
We now focus on The Directors Dialogue sessions to improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors in sustainably delivering good governance with the best use of resources, using the concept of compliance for efficiency and risk intelligence with a balanced formula for GRC oversight. The Directors Dialog events aim to encourage the Board of directors and the management team to deliver best practices in risk governance, to enhance compliance disclosures and reporting and above all, the co-ordination of Board with management activities related to IoT, Big Data, 5G, Databases, digitisation and cybersecurity issues.
With the right approach, the significance of 2020 can be fully understood to address the multiple global crisis issues and transform these into a worldwide turning point for the business in the instance or distant future.
The Why. A crisis of a particular scale cannot be resolved until many of the fundamentals of our corporate social and economic life are restructured. Post-financial and COVID -crisis, there is a need for a different approach on how senior management and the Board can best achieve readiness, transparency accountability and related objectives. The aim is to ensure maximum flexibility and enhanced risk management while safeguarding assets and keeping costs down on all GRC and IT security issues.
The What. Creating global corporate and commercial value through the best practices developed by Copenhagen Compliance®, The Information Security Institute and The EUGDPR Institute® roadmaps, frameworks, and due diligence actions.
The How. We will conduct a series of online sessions to help understand the directors and management responsibilities as set out in regulations – and indeed avoid unnecessary complications on GRC issues and recommendations. The purpose is to decide on a precise GRC and IT security plan of action that is relevant to the overall strategy of the corporation.
Above all, it is important to understand the new risks based on changes in the business climate including.
- How to discover, assess, detect, mitigate and monitor GRC and IT security changes.
- Why implementing imprecise global regulation can impact the ability to do business.
- How stakeholders can be on top of the increased GRC and IT security liabilities.
The focus of the Directors Dialogue is to create value and trust the Global Way! It will examine how big and small companies can drive the business focus to ensure stakeholder satisfaction and sustainability while addressing complex GRC/CSR/BFC issues and challenges by streamlining governance policies, IT processes and compliance procedures for the Board of Directors insight on operations and strategic management decisions.
The primary focus on The Directors Dialogue online seminars will be on the following guidelines.
- Facilitate the Board of Directors and Senior management to determine What, Why, When and How to implement ever-changing GRC, IT security and digitisation regulatory requirements and audit standards, thereby creating substantial stakeholder value.
- Provide guidance to take a systematic, structured, and holistic approach (roadmaps and frameworks) for GRC and IT Security issues management.
- Ensure that the perception of GRC and IT Security risks is embedded at all levels of the organisation
- Guide the participants to develop an optimal approach through the complicated maze of GRC and IT Security compliance and practices.